During the 1960’s Scaap Sieberhagen (OC during the 1970’s and 1980’s) was serving at the Army College in Pretoria. The College had a pony with the name of “Moonlight” as a Mascot. When Scaap became Officer Commanding of Cape Garrison Artillery he introduced our own Mascot. Scaap’s wife, Lynette, designed and made the official uniform. The original uniform is in safekeeping at the De Casteel museum. Two replicas were donated to the unit by Maj Vidius Archer. The original Bdr Moonlight died in an unfortunate fire accident. The tradition faded after Scaap’s term of office ended, but was resuscitated by the Regiment in the 2000’s.
Because of the availability of the ponies, the Regiment, in true Reserves tradition, has two mascots that can stand in if one has to serve in their civilian capacity. The current Bdr Moonlight has been discovered by Maj Archer at Cape Gate Garden Centre, Joostenberg Vlakte. Bdr Moonlight serves in his civilian capacity as a professional entertainer at the nursery and his acting name is Kalua. LBdr is a gaffer on a local farm, but nameless. The Regiment will be holding a two day strategic conference somewhere in 2008 with the only focus to discuss a name for LBdr Moonlight.